Closeout Services

We take pride in our work with Closeout Services Corp. and our contribution to their online presence. As a B2B company specializing in closeout and liquidation deals, they needed a website that could effectively communicate their brand identity and the wholesale concept. Our team worked diligently to design and develop an online store that met these requirements.

To achieve this, we started by migrating the existing online store from Bigcommerce to Shopify platform. Once the migration was complete, we turned our attention to creating a new design that would truly represent Closeout Services Corp. We chose to work with the premium Shopify theme Warehouse, which provided us with the flexibility we needed to create a unique and compelling online store.

The data migration was a complex project that required careful planning and execution. We successfully transferred all data including blog posts, products, and customers, ensuring a seamless transition to the new platform. The end result was an online store that not only looks great but also functions smoothly, making it easier for Closeout Services Corp. to showcase their products and connect with their B2B clients.


  • Design & UX
  • Development
  • Migration from Bigcommerce
  • Payments and checkout
  • Shipping


  • Shopify
  • Mailchimp
  • Warehouse Theme